Friday, October 22, 2010

Easy Guitar Lessons

By Jenne Mae

Have you ever put your dreams on the back burner because they were not going to occur or you just didn't get an opportunity to fulfill them? Well you aren't alone. Many folks really want to do a lot of things but cannot do it since they're stuck in a job, or because they made the sacrifice to pay bills and provide for a family. I was the same way! I struggled to keep my dreams in my mind but they never seemed to pan out.

My main goal in life was to be a musician for a living... But I had too much responsibility. So I resided to just being a normal guy who wanted normal things... Ie. Company softball, weekends on the golf course, and other "normal" things we do. But deep inside I YEARNED to be a musician.

One night I got fed up... I buckled down and sat at my computer, obtained a guitar on the web, and asked plenty of the folks around me I knew were musicians if they may teach me how to play properly...Well no one did and I put my guitar in the closet for years. Then, one day I was web surfing and I saw guitar lessons online...I tried some out and found that some worked, some didn't. Now I can play guitar!

I had to utilize a lot of various beginner guitar lessons sites to get all of my skills. Well I was performing my daily routine of surfing the net and found another guitar lesson... But this one was all inclusive. I was so mad because I didn't find this when I was learning to play.

We all make sacrifices, but don't let guitar be that sacrifice. There were many things on my "to do" list that I will never fulfill, but If you are like me and have always wanted to play the guitar, the search for guitar lessons can be a daunting task. So I put together a little website to share with you my three best picks for guitar lessons on the web these days.

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