Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mesothelioma - Catch It Early To Avoid Big Trouble

By Greg. Gardner

Many people have never heard of Mesothelioma and are unaware of its symptoms. Although considered a rare form of cancer, each year the number of cases grows. With the prevalence of this disease on the rise, it is critical to understand why and how Mesothelioma develops and what courses of action can be taken in the event of diagnosis. The following are some questions and answers that will provide you with information on Mesothelioma.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. The organs most commonly affected are the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. The most common form of Mesothelioma is Pleural Mesothelioma -- cancer of the lung lining. But cancerous cells are also found in the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) and the lining around the heart (the pericardium).

What causes Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is often found in building materials used before the mid 1970's. In addition, materials such as pipes, boiler insulation, floor, ceiling and roof tiles may contain asbestos. It is believed that even insignificant exposure to asbestos in environments such as asbestos mills, mines, shipping yards, some older Navy ships or even in patient's homes can result in mesothelioma. In many cases mesothelioma does not occur for decades after initial exposure to this cancer-causing asbestos. 2000-3000 cases of mesothelioma per year are currently being diagnosed. Family members of workers exposed to asbestos can also contract this disease through exposure to the worker's clothing. Like many other cancers, smoking greatly increases the risk of contracting mesothelioma.

How much asbestos exposure will cause Mesothelioma?

Generally, the probability of developing this form of cancer is directly related to the length of time you are exposed to asbestos. The health risk also increases with the intensity of the exposure to asbestos.

However, an exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later. At the age of 48, Canadian Member of Parliament Chuck Strahl, was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma and traces the cause back to changing brake pads on logging equipment after he graduated from high school. Strahl's case is a good example of the fact that Mesothelioma has a latency period of anywhere from 20 to 50 years. Like thousands of others he developed the disease long after his exposure to asbestos.

What are the symptoms of Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a very subtle form of cancer providing only a few noticeable symptoms until it becomes extremely advanced. 75% of all mesolthelioma cases are Pleural mesothelioma - cancer of the lung lining. This type of cancer causes shortness of breath and/or chronic coughing that can easily be mistaken for allergies or a common cold. Mesothelioma is often discovered by accident when patients are being examined for these common symptoms. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma may include: chest pain, shortness of breath, chronic coughing that worsens over time, fatigue, wheezing, lung infection, hoarseness, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, chest or abdominal pain or blood in the phlegm from the lungs when coughing

Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining around the stomach and intestines and can be just as dangerous and deadly. Symptoms of Peritoneal mesothelioma include: pain or swelling in the abdomen, weight loss, bowel obstruction (blockage in the large or small intestines), anemia (reduced number of red blood cells) , and fever.

The onset of Mesothelioma is usually quite slow. Patients will begin to experience symptoms such as lower back pain and chest pain. Unfortunately, once Mesothelioma develops, it quickly becomes aggressive and treatment must be sought immediately.

Can Mesothelioma be treated?

Unfortunately, by the time most infected people become aware they have mesothelioma it has ceased being dormant and becomes extremely aggressive. Once it is no longer dormant, this type of cancer can travel quickly, and this makes it almost impossible to stop.

While there are treatments that are available in order to keep the patient comfortable, there is currently no cure for Mesothelioma, and as many as 75% of those who develop the disease will lose their life within one year. The remainder may last for up to an additional six months. Among the treatments that are used in order to reduce the effects of the disease are oxygen, postural drainage and pain killers. A wide range of treatment approaches are being tested, ranging from attempts to fortify the body's natural immune system to gene therapy which tries to attack the problem at the DNA level to homeopathy, herbs and acupuncture. But none have yet been shown to be very effective once the disease reaches the aggressive stage.

Given the generally poor prognosis for people who do not catch the disease in time, early detection is the best defence against Mesothelioma. If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately. Like all forms of cancer, detecting Mesothelioma at the earliest stage possible greatly increases your chances for survival.

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Creating Good Hip Hop Beats

By Mary Anderson

If you wish to create beats that people will remember, you are going to have to up your game a little. Everyone and their little brother's little brother wants to make beats these days. It's the cool thing to do - but for some reason these same people don't want to take piano lessons.

If you walked into a recording studio you would probably locate a few keyboards and synthesizers. Unless we're talking about The Roots here, almost everything used to make hip hop is digital. The drum machines will be inside the synthesizer. The violin and organ sounds will be inside that synthesizer too. What won't be inside that synthesizer is piano lessons.

You could definitely have plenty of fun playing around on those fancy, costly studio keyboards. But unless you understand how to put songs together, sequence the parts of your tracks, and how to even play a chord you're always going to run in to the same brick wall that limits your creativity.

I know you want to be the next Pharrell, and that's cool. But he studied music and learned how to play different instruments and write songs to get where he is today. All of the well known music has built upon itself which is the main reason why hip hop began sampling old jazz and soul records to begin with. Go back and listen to the old school. Listen to the dudes who probably started playing in church because their whole family played in church. Those same people grew up to write and recorded amazing soul and funk music. That's how you will become the next great producer. Begin from the start and learn your way from the floor up.

Dust off your parents' (and even your grandparents') old records and listen to - better yet STUDY - some James Brown, Little Richard, Al Green, Sly Stone, Blue Note and Verve Jazz records, Herbie Hancock, and a million others that have experience and skill to pass on to you. If you desire to grow into a true hip hop producer you must stop limiting yourself to just hip hop and really listen to where it came from so you could see where it is going.

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Mesothelioma - Your Basic Information

By Greg. Gardner

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is becoming more and more common. The most common cause of this cancer is exposure to asbestos. When constantly exposed with insufficient protection, asbestos dust and fibres affect the mesothelial cells which make up the mesothelium.

The mesothelium is the outer lining that protects some of the body's most vital organs such as the heart and lungs. The mesothelial cells become abnormal after lengthy periods of constant exposure to asbestos causing an array of problems.

Due to the latency period and symptoms of this cancer, mesothelioma is very difficult to diagnose. Mesothelioma takes decades to mature and develop fully and this is why many elderly men who were exposed to asbestos thirty years before are just discovering they have the cancer. A lot of these men are currently lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the companies that exposed them to the dangers of asbestos without sufficient protection.

The organs that are affected most by mesothelioma are the lungs. The most common type of mesothelioma which is called pleural mesothelioma affects the lining of the lungs and can cause symptoms such as coughing, breathing and swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath and fever.

Another area that can be affected by mesothelioma is the abdomen. This is less common and this is known as peritoneal mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include nausea and vomiting, weight loss, fever, bowel obstruction, loss of appetite and general pain in the stomach area. The last and least common type of mesothelioma is known as pericardial mesothelioma and it affects the heart and the tissue surrounding it.

Symptoms of this form of the cancer include palpitations, breathing difficulties and persistent coughing. Generally, the symptoms of mesothelioma are typical of many other diseases and this makes it very difficult to diagnose.

There are treatments for mesothelioma although these are usually unsuccessful. If the cancer is treated aggressively in its early stages then there is a good chance of a patient surviving. However, due to the difficulty to diagnose mesothelioma, the cancer is not normally found until it is too late.

Treatments that are used for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy, palliative therapy and chemotherapy. Research for additional treatment of mesothelioma is being done at various cancer centers all over the United States as well as by pharmaceutical companies.

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Mesothelioma, A Cancer You Shouldn't Have Had To Deal With

By Greg. Gardner

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. This disease attacks the protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs and in almost all cases is fatal, although new treatments for cancer are always underdevelopment giving us hope we may live cancer free sometime in the future.

You can avoid mesothelioma by not exposing yourself to asbestos. Typically a worker was exposed to asbestos on their job. In the past asbestos was widely used in the large industrial manufacturing industry, the automotive industry and the heating and ventilating industry. Typical exposure is from inhaling asbestos dust a by product of manufacturing. When the worker goes home, their family experiences secondary exposure to the asbestos dust on their clothing.

In residential construction during 1960's and 1970's, asbestos was commonly use to seal leaks and seams on heating ducts in residential houses and in other heating and ventilation systems. Exposure to asbestos dust comes when the asbestos seal begins to breakdown and gives off the deadly asbestos dust particles. So, if you are buying an older home, be certain to have it inspected for asbestos. If found, asbestos can be removed or sealed with a protective cover to prevent exposure to humans.

Detection of mesothelioma and drawing the connection between work-related hazards wasn't always realized. It has only come to light recently that large corporations were negligent in exposing their workers to asbestos dust. This is due to the fact that it takes some time for the cancer to form. Most families were so consumed with helping their loved ones; they failed to realize the cancer they were battling was actually caused by the working conditions of a loved one.

If an individual was exposed to asbestos during their working career then the corporation employing them is at fault and is responsible for the damages resulting from the asbestos caused mesothelioma. Individuals and families battling mesothelioma and facing the loss of a loved one need realize and understand their legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma then you need to consult with a mesothelioma lawyer to understand your legal rights. This type of lawyer is experienced with asbestos related cases and taking on the large corporations and winning. Typically, a mesothelioma lawyer will review your case at little or no charge to evaluate if you have a case. If it is determined you do they will handle the lawsuit for damages from the corporation responsible.

It is a shame to think your life or a loved ones life is cut short due to the negligence of a corporation not controlling the exposure to asbestos. You may be uncomfortable with a lawsuit, but it is your legal right to seek adequate compensation for your life or a loved ones being cut short and the resulting impact of not being able to provide for the family any longer.

Asbestos caused mesothelioma is a preventable disease and it's sad to think an employee who works hard for a corporation is actually killed slowly by the exposure to asbestos. If you're dealing with mesothelioma in your life, seek the help of a mesothelioma lawyer to ensure your financial future peace of mind while you and your family deal with the loss of a loved one.

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Mesothelioma: A Deadly Lung Cancer

By Greg. Gardner

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer of the lungs and the abdominal cavities. Unlike other diseases, the cause of mesothelioma is not natural. In most of the cases, it is a cancer of lungs inflicted on the human beings by the modern economic factors, which are also credited to bring prosperity to the corporate world.

The disease has left many dead and many more fighting for the failing health. The common symptoms related to the disease are breathlessness, dry cough and pain in the respiratory tracts followed by vomiting. The prime Cause of mesothelioma is the exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a natural fibrous material that was widely used in various industries and building materials because of its stability and heat resistant properties. However, asbestos is also a deadly contaminant and responsible for serious diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma cancers and lung cancer. Most of the diseases are caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers that could settle in the internal body organs and cause serious diseases.

Mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases can lie dormant in the body for decades before diagnosis. The worst part is that after diagnosis the patient has hardly any left for fighting these diseases.

Asbestos has extensively been mined in South Africa and exported to UK & US factories for reprocessing. For many years, the industrialists enjoyed the benefits of asbestos as a cheap substitute to wood in Building Material Industry and an integral part of Brake Lining material used extensively in vehicles during the World Wars. Asbestos was also widely used as an Insulation material in the buildings and industries in the US and Europe.

The victims of mesothelioma can file lawsuits for seeking compensation against the companies responsible for asbestos exposure. They can seek compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, lost earning capacity, pain and sufferings. The family members and relatives of the people who die because of mesothelioma cancers can also file lawsuits for compensation to recover the loss of consortium care. A dozen of companies who made an exit from the business decades ago are still fighting the huge compensation bills pending against them for causing a major biological disorder. The courts have ordered huge amounts as compensation in most of the mesothelioma lawsuits.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Traditional Hawaiian Dance Music: The Hula

By Andrew Tucker

Hula music is one of the great cultural icons of Hawaii that has been passed from generation to generation, ensuring its unique style remains true to its origins.

Hawaii's rich culture includes many forms of artistic expression; one of these is the dance known to us as the Hula. The Hula is a functional dance form, which is not only lovely to look at, but whose graceful, flowing movements were meant to communicate Hawaiian mythology, genealogy and mysticism to its audience.

In Hawaii there is a regional music industry and a number of styles of popular music, hula has even had an affect on other types of music such as country, with the introduction of the steel guitar. Although Hawaiian pop music is influenced by American pop, you can still see certain Hawaiian influences that have manged to remain.

The traditional music also finds expression in the modern institutions of the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra which was created in 1900 and, as the oldest organized orchestra in the Western US, has been active in preserving Hawaii's musical heritage. The orchestra is affiliated with other organizations such as the Hawaii Opera Theatre and the Oahu choral Society's Honolulu Symphony Chorus.

The old traditions of Hula have had a far reaching impact on today's islands. Many modern musical institutions in Hawaii are heavily influenced by this music. Like the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra, which was established in 1900, making it the oldest symphony orchestra in the United States. Other successful music ventures include the Hawaii Opera Theatre and the Oahu Choral Society's Honolulu Symphony Chorus.

The cultural heritage of the Hawaiian people is preserved largely within the scope of their traditional music and dance, which, though not immune to the influences of a modern music market, has nevertheless retained its "Island Feel" through the incorporation of traditional hula movements and native chanting.

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Mesothelioma - The 3 Main Types

By Greg. Gardner

In general, mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. Different types of mesothelioma are distinguished between by where the cancer is growing. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common, accounting for 75% of all mesothelioma cases, is where cancerous cells develop on the lining of the lungs.

The next most common form of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma and this is where cancerous cells grow on the peritoneum which is the lining of the abdomen. Pericardial mesothelioma, the least common major form of mesothelioma, makes up roughly 5% of all mesothelioma cases. This is where malignant cancer cells grow on the lining of the heart.

All three of these forms of mesothelioma are caused by asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was discovered around the 1860s. Due to its highly useful property of being fireproof, asbestos was used greatly in construction in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. It was not until the early 1960s when the severe health hazards that asbestos causes were discovered, that asbestos stopped being used. When exposed to asbestos with insufficient protection a person will breathe in tiny asbestos fibres which are suspended in the air. These fibres pass into the respiratory system until they become lodged in the lining of the lungs. Over time, an accumulation of these asbestos fibres in the lungs can cause pleural mesothelioma.

Asbestos fibres may also pass into the lymphatic system and be transported to either the lining of the abdomen or the tissue surrounding the heart. This may cause either peritoneal mesothelioma or pericardial mesothelioma.

In terms of symptoms, the three main types of mesothelioma have some symptoms in common with each other. These symptoms are usual of all three types: chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, coughing up blood, vomiting, nausea, weight loss and loss of appetite. An additional symptom of pericardial mesothelioma is palpitations.

There are a few treatments for all types of mesothelioma but none of these have a high success rate. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on how early and how aggressively the cancer is treated. If the cancerous cells are treated when they have fully matured and developed then it is unlikely that treatment methods will be successful. Treatment methods include chemotherapy which is the use of drugs to kill the cancer, radiation therapy which uses a radiation dosage to kill off cancerous cells and surgery which attempts to gain long term control over the cancer by removing a large portion of malignant cells. These treatment methods can be combined in the form of dual therapy.

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Mesothelioma - The Largest Man Made Epidemic

By Greg. Gardner

It is documented that Australia had the highest per capita use of asbestos in the world from the 1950's until the 1970's. As a tragic consequence, Australia now has the highest per capita incidence of mesothelioma in the world. With more than 500 Australians contracting mesothelioma per year, it is estimated that up to 18,000 Australians will die from this asbestos related cancer by the year 2020.

Despite the growing awareness of the dangers of asbestos, there are many people who have not heard of Mesothelioma. This asbestos related cancer is defined as: a malignant spreading tumor of the mesothelium of the pleura, pericardium, or peritoneum, arising form the inhalation of asbestos fibers.

One of the most baffling and frightening known facts concerning Mesothelioma is that many years may pass, between inhalation of asbestos dust and its deadly legacy of disease; it is not uncommon for four decades or more to pass before symptoms due to asbestos dust inhalation become apparent.

In November 2004, I was an invited speaker at the Global Asbestos Congress 2004, held in Tokyo Japan. Over 800 participants from 40 countries around the world were in attendance. To be a part of such a large gathering of fellow humans, united in a quest to rid the poison of asbestos from our environments was an intensely moving experience. Having lost my husband to mesothelioma I know first hand the suffering this cruel disease places on its innocent victims.

There were many speakers and each told a tale, of pain, death and heartache. We listened, we understood and we ached for the past, present and future victims of the killer asbestos and its legacy of mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases. We listened and we were shocked and angered to learn that despite the growing awareness of the dangers of asbestos and the increasing incidence of asbestos related disease, there remains some countries who are mining asbestos with little or no regard for their workers or people who will come into contact with asbestos products.

Asbestos disease Association member's world wide are working tirelessly and fighting almost insurmountable odds to ban asbestos from all countries of the world. It is a sobering and frightening fact, that even if we were successful in this quest, the legacy of asbestos related diseases will continue for five decades.

Add your voice to the many who want this killer product erased from the worlds environments - Add your voice to the call that pleads for adequate compensation for victims and their families. Sign the online petition at Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization - http://www.asbestosdiseaseawareness.org

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) continues to raise public awareness about the dangers of asbestos exposure and the incurable and often deadly asbestos related diseases. ADAO is quickly expanding and uniting veterans, fire-fighters, shipbuilders, teachers and thousands of other innocent people around the world. Asbestos Awareness leads to education, prevention, new treatments and ultimately a cure.

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Meshtholioma Cancer Cure Treatment

By Greg. Gardner

If you or someone you love is suffering from mesothelioma, want to get relieve of it here is the accurate way. Have you lost hope of getting cured with it. Don't get disheartened here we prop up you and treat with the natural supplements with no side effects.

Mesothelioma (also called asbestos lung cancer) is a disease that causes the deadly tumors to develop in the chest and lung cavity. This site is intended to guide as originality in treating this deadly cancer.

Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium) is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer cells can also metastasize (spread) from their original site to other parts of the body. It is a rare disease caused as a result of malignant cancerous cells lining the patient's body cavities such as chest, abdominal region or the area surrounding the heart. This disease is very difficult to assess consistently due to the great variability in time before diagnosis and the rate of progression of malignant mesothelioma.

Even insignificant exposure to asbestos (commonly reported in such work environments as asbestos mills, mines, shipping yards, some older Navy ships or patients homes) is known to result in mesothelioma, which in many cases does not occur for decades after initial exposure to this cancer-causing substance. It is also known that family members of workers exposed to asbestos can contract this disease through exposure to the workers clothing. Smoking greatly increases the risk of contracting mesothelioma. Some of the earliest symptoms of mesothelioma can often be mistaken for less serious illness and are commonly overlooked. Some patients do not show any signs of sickness in the early stages of development of the disease. Most commonly the symptoms include dyspnea, pleuritic pain, lasting cough, fatigue, and weight loss. This disease is more common in men. Most cases of mesothelioma occur 30-45 years after initial exposure to asbestos. Once it develops, this cancer will continue to grow until it is treated. It is very important that the disease is diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos. If tiny asbestos particles float in the air, especially during the manufacturing process, they may be inhaled or swallowed, and can cause serious health problems. In addition to mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis (a noncancerous, chronic lung ailment), and other cancers, such as those of the larynx and kidney.

Mesothelioma is a malignant disease that can affect the lining of any internal organ. Most often the pleural lining of the lungs and/or the peritoneal lining of the organs in the abdominal cavity are affected. The plural lining of the lungs is affected when harmful amounts of asbestos are inhaled. When symptoms do develop they may include difficulty breathing, chest pain, and a chronic cough

The faster you consult the doctor and get specialized care the better your chances will be of dealing with this hazardous cancer. Please contact our doctor as soon as possible to get more information and cure the disease.

Many cancer treatment options are not very effective in treating mesothelioma. But at our center we provide you the treatment to reduce the disease and free you from the suffering from our specialist with the medication which are natural and no side effects.

Although reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer. Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age.

Smoking does not appear to increase the risk of mesothelioma. However, the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure significantly increases a person's risk of developing cancer of the air passageways in the lung.

People who work with asbestos wear personal protective equipment to lower their risk of exposure.

Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health. Sometimes, these treatments are combined.

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Malignant Mesothelioma - The Cancer Of The Mesothelial Cells

By Greg. Gardner

The diseased defined

Mesothelium is the protective tissue that covers the chest cavity, abdominal cavity and the cavity around the heart and also produces a special lubricating fluid that allows the internal organs of the body to move around. Malignant Mesothelioma can be defined as the cancer of the mesothelial cells which become abnormal and start dividing without any order. Majority of the mesothelioma patients have a prior history of exposure to asbestos.

Types of malignant Mesothelioma

Malignant Mesothelioma or simply Mesothelioma can be divided into 3 main types namely - Epithelioid - Sarcomatoid - Mixed/biphasic

Of these, Epithelioid is the most common (50% to 70% cases) and stands the best chance of recovery. Sarcomatoid type is seen in 7% to 20% cases whereas mixed/biphasic type is seen in 20% to 35% cases.

Approximately, of the total cases of Mesothelioma originates in the chest cavity (pleura) and is known as pleural mesothelioma. The cancer affecting the lining of the abdomen (peritoneum) is called the peritoneal mesothelioma and that affecting the "sac like" space around the heart (pericardial cavity) is called the pericardial mesothelioma. Mesothelioma at times also affects the covering layer of the testicles. However, the last two types of cases are quite rare.

Diagnosis of malignant Mesothelioma

The tumors of the mesothelium can either be benign (non cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). So whenever there are symptoms like shortness of breath, pain in chest/abdomen or swelling in the abdomen, you should consult your doctor immediately.

After the initial X-rays and scans, the doctor may look inside the chest cavity (in case of pleural tumor) with an instrument called thoracoscope and the test is called thoracoscopy. In case of tumor in peritoneum the doctor may go for peritoneoscopy with the help of a tool called peritoneoscope. Finally, if the abnormal tissue is found then a biopsy is done, whereby a piece of the unnatural tissue is cut out and placed under microscope for examination.

After the confirmed diagnosis of Mesothelioma it is also essential to ascertain its stages i.e. whether it is in localized stage or in advanced stage. In the localized stage, the cancer is found in the lining of the chest cavity or in the diaphragm or the lung. Advanced malignant Mesothelioma can again be divided into 3 stages namely stage II, III and IV. In stage II, the cancer spreads beyond the chest lining to lymph nodes and in stage III it spreads into chest wall, center of the chest, heart, through the diaphragm or abdominal lining, etc. The final or the fourth stage is the one in which the cancer has already spread to distant organs.


Depending on the stage of the cancer, its location and the health, age and medical history of the patient, 3 types of treatments are mated out to malignant Mesothelioma patients - surgery (to remove the tumor), radiation therapy (application of high energy rays) and chemotherapy (usage of combination of drugs). This apart, if there is any accumulation of fluid in the chest or abdomen, then the doctor needs to drain it out and the process is regarded as thoracentesis and paracentesis respectively.

So be aware of the disease, such that you can prevent it at the very onset.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Top 10 Songs Of Summer 2010

By Jon Carter

A lot of hot songs that came out just in time for the summer. Among them were 10 that we consider the most popular. Just like the temperatures outside the radio was sizzling with artists who brought out steaming new sounds. A lot of songs hit the airwaves and stayed in rotation over the last three months. To hear them for yourselves you have the option of purchasing the CD or downloading the tracks online.

Starting with #10 is a track from the hit sequel released this summer Sex and the City 2. It's called "Love is Your Color" by the dynamic duo Jennifer Hudson & Leona Lewis. Jennifer Hudson was actually in the first Sex and the City playing Carrie's assistant. This dream collaboration can be found on the Sex and the City 2 soundtrack. Both singers share backgrounds in reality shows American Idol and X-Factor. Lewis won the British competition in 2006 while Hudson was among the top 10 finalists in American Idol.

You've heard #9 a lot this year. It's "Say Ahh" by Trey Songz, the perfect song during a Ladies' Night for your girlfriend's birthday outing. "Go girl! It's ya birthday!" This latest hit single brings the same type of heat that 50 Cent's "In Da Club" brought to the clubs and radio stations. Both praise a woman and her birthday encouraging her to party and celebrate life. At #8 we have one very eclectic new artist. Lady Gaga is one of the most popular artists out right now. For Summer 2010 she released the track "Alejandro". Her Fame Monster CD was released Christmas 2009 including this hit single along with "Bad Romance" and "Telephone". Her tour continues across the states. Jason Derulo is the singer of the #7 song "In My Head". He'll be in your head all summer with this catchy tune about summer love. Derulo praises his girl using a summer smash hit.

Our Top 6th song of the summer is "Break Your Heart" by Taio Cruz featuring Ludacris. Usually any summer song that includes Ludacris is bound to be a hit. "Break Your Heart" was played on The Hills when Brody showed up at the club with a date in front of his ex-girlfriend Kristin. It's played on the radio all the time because people like it so much. This helps explain it making the Top 10 list. Number 5 is definitely a favorite. "Cooler Than Me" by the handsome Mike Posner is great for summertime on the beach or riding with the top down. His unique sound and spicy lyrics brings a new attitude to any summer party or even a back to school bash. Usher and Will.I.Am team up for song #4. "OMG" is constantly being played over the radio and in the club. Usher, the R&B prince, has made his return with new tracks like "Lil Freak" and "There Goes My Baby" along with this one which talks about love-at-first-sight. The last time he came out with a major summer hit was "Yeah" in 2006.

As we near the top of the list "Airplanes" by BOB and Hayley Williams of Paramore makes it #3. If you have ever hoped for something bad enough that you made a wish it would come true then you can relate to this track. It captures the essence brilliantly. The #2 song of the summer is "Getting Over You". The sound of Fergie and Willis' voices together on this inescapably catchy track has summer fun written all over it. DJ Guetta has managed to bring together the best part of mid-90s club music with his own twenty-first century sound. Finally, topping the list at #1 is "California Gurls" by Katy Perry. This pop song quickly became the west coast anthem as Perry paints the picture of life on the beach. She sings "daisy dukes with bikinis on top" describing the beach atmosphere over a hip beat in this 2010 summer hit. Yet another single to bump with your top down.

They just keep on coming out with great singles, and you'll probably agree that each of these tracks are somewhere among the top of the season! Well you can also have them at your very own discretion and more by using Convert My Tube. Any song or video that you like on You Tube can be converted to an mp3 within minutes using the You Tube downloader. Carry your favorite tracks with you wherever you travel whether it's a Summer 2010 hit or an older chart-topper. Expect more hits to come!

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Is Mesothelioma A Sleeping Dragon?

By Greg. Gardner

Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a substance found naturally. It is made of strong flexible fibres. It was used extensively in industry because the fibres are not affected by heat or chemicals and a poor conductor of electricity. It is estimated that over 5,000 products have or had asbestos in them.

Of the six types of asbestos, only four are used commercially. These are chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite and anthrophyllite. Of these, crysotile or white asbestos accounts for 99% used in USA. In it natural state or well contained and maintained in products, asbestos do not pose a real hazard. It is when asbestos is broken down and fibres are released that there is concern.

Asbestos fibres are very thin and sharp. The fibre is 2,000 times thinner than a human hair. It measures under 0.3 microns or one millionth of a millimetre in diameter and five microns in length. It is not visible with the naked eye or through a microscope. When released, the fibres remain in the atmosphere for a long time and can be carried great distances. When the fibres are inhaled, they stick to the lung tissue and are not expelled by breathing out or coughing. Some remain in the lungs, others gravitate into the pleural lining.

Asbestos exposure can lead to disease and develops over a long period of time. Asbestos related diseases are asbestosis, pleural plaques and lung cancers. The lung cancer can be either cancer of the lung itself or mesothelioma, a cancer of the lung lining. These cancers can take between 20 and 50 years to develop. A recent article in a UK Newspaper highlighted the case of a Hospital Consultant who developed mesothelioma. He cannot recall any exposure to asbestos. It may well be that he was inadvertently exposed to asbestos without his knowledge i.e. such as living in the vicinity of a factory that leaked asbestos into the atmosphere.

Professor Peto has shown that new cases of mesothelioma will continue to increase in the early part of the twenty first century. He also said, "Every single person in the UK has asbestos in their lungs. It is the level of exposure that is important."

We also know that people who has a history of asbestos exposure has a greater risk of lung cancer if they smoked. In a survey in 1992, 2602 individuals with lung cancer were interviewed. One in eight was exposed to asbestos and of these a third still smoked. A US study suggested that non-smokers exposed to asbestos have a five times greater risk of lung cancer. If they smoked, then the risk increased by a factor of 11. Smoking and asbestos exposure increases the risk of developing lung cancer to 52 times that of the general population.

At present no one knows how many lung cancers are due to asbestos exposure because of the long latency period and that cigarette smoking remains the major cause. Mesothelioma, however, is caused by asbestos exposure and this has been the basis of numerous high value legal claims.

As for the future, in the USA and Europe, asbestos related diseases will gradually increase to a peak. Of concern, however, are areas of conflict. In the Middle East, when a building was bombed, or when numerous buildings were bombed during the invasion of Iraq, do we have any idea how much asbestos was released into the atmosphere?

We are, however, certain that during the 9/11 disaster, asbestos fibres were released. When the Twin Tower collapsed, there were 400 tons of asbestos in the structure. The toxic cloud that hung over Manhattan, contained high level of asbestos. It is estimated that over 100,000 people suffered asbestos exposure. The greatest exposure was amongst first responders. Deborah Reeve was the first to die from asbestos related disease after 9/11. She was a first responder and paramedic. She died in March 2005 from mesothelioma. This concerned experts because mesothelioma takes a very long time to develop. They concluded that her exposure must have been excessive.

A study result showed that 70% of recovery and rescue workers who were active during and after the World Trade Centre collapse had some form of respiratory problem. A six year follow up study showed that sufferers with respiratory problems continue to have the same ailments. "In the six years since the attacks," Nadler said, "We have accumulated a mountain of evidence that thousands of those exposed are suffering from chronic respiratory disease and, increasingly, a variety of rare cancers."

Hopefully, as experts predict, within the next few years asbestos related diseases will peak and the annual new cases will drop. If not, could it be a sleeping dragon about to wake up?

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Malagnant Mesothelioma

By Greg. Gardner

Malignant mesothelioma is an uncommon, but no longer rare, cancer that is difficult to diagnose and poorly responsive to therapy. Malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases. A layer of specialized cells called mesothelial cells lines the chest cavity, abdominal cavity, and the cavity around the heart. These cells also cover the outer surface of most internal organs. The tissue formed by these cells is called mesothelium.

The mesothelium helps protect the organs by producing a special lubricating fluid that allows organs to move around. For example, this fluid makes it easier for the lungs to move inside the chest during breathing. The mesothelium of the chest is called the pleura and the mesothelium of the abdomen is known as the peritoneum. The mesothelium of the pericardial cavity (the "sac-like" space around the heart) is called the pericardium Tumors of the mesothelium can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). A malignant tumor of the mesothelium is called a malignant mesothelioma. Because most mesothelial tumors are cancerous, malignant mesothelioma is often simply called mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma was recognized as a tumor of the pleura, peritoneum and pericardium in the late 1700's. However it was not until much later, in 1960, that this particular type of tumor was described in more detail and even more importantly, its association with asbestos exposure was recognized. The first report linking mesothelioma to asbestos exposure was written by J.C.Wagner, and described 32 cases of workers in the "Asbestos Hills" in South Africa. Since than the relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos exposure has been confirmed in studies around the world.

The incidence of mesothelioma in the United States remains very low, with 14 cases occurring per million people per year. Despite these numbers the noticed threefold increase in mesothelioma in males between 1970 and 1984, is directly associated with environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos, mostly in areas of asbestos product plants and shipbuilding facilities.

Although the disease is much more commonly seen in 60-year old men, it has been described in women and early childhood as well. The cause of the disease is not so well understood in these latter two groups, but there is some evidence of possible asbestos exposure for some of these cases as well Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest diseases known to man; the average life span of an inflicted person from the time of diagnosis until death is less than 24 months.

It's a disease that strikes approximately 3,000 United States citizens each and every year; hard working people who have labored for a lifetime to provide for their families, doing the work that keeps this country running and a great place to live. They worked in factories, at shipyards, in mines, for the US military, as engineers, as pipefitters, as steel workers, as auto mechanics, and in so many other professions. They came home to their loved ones exhausted and covered in dirt and dust; tired, but content that they had a job and were providing for their family. Content that they were putting food on the table and a house over their loved one's heads. Content that they were working to make a better life for their families in this generation and the next...

But what they didn't know was that while they were working so hard, they were not only slowly killing themselves, but those that they were working so hard to help; their family, their loved ones.

What is the mesothelium?

The mesothelium is a membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. It is composed of two layers of cells: One layer immediately surrounds the organ; the other forms a sac around it. The mesothelium produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs (such as the beating heart and the expanding and contracting lungs) to glide easily against adjacent structures.

The mesothelium has different names, depending on its location in the body. The peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity. The pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. The pericardium covers and protects the heart. The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis. The tunica serosa uteri covers the internal reproductive organs in women

What Is My Diagnosis?

There are three types of mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung (pleura), peritoneal mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum), and pericardial mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining surrounding the heart (pericardium). Sub-types (or cell types) of mesothelioma are epithelioid (the most common, and considered the most amenable to treatment), sarcomatous (a much more aggressive form), and biphasic or mixed (a combination of both of the other cell types).

The structural appearance of cells under the microscope determine the cell or sub-type of mesothelioma. Epithelioid is the least aggressive; sarcomatoid, the most aggressive. The biphasic or mixed cell type shows structural elements of both of the other two.

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Increasing Awarness Of Asbestos Cancer Spurs Mesothelioma Lawsuits

By Greg. Gardner

Mesothelioma lawsuits seem to be becoming more and more prevalent as the disease and its causes become more well-known. You may have seen commercials for attorneys advertising their services in this specialized area. Due to the fact that decades can pass before the disease rears its ugly head, it has become apparent that the firms responsible for exposing their workers to asbestos so many years ago may no longer be in business. Nonetheless there is something you can do.

Mesothelioma, commonly known as Asbestos Cancer, is a rare form of cancer which is most frequently known to occur when the affected person has come in contact with asbestos and inhaled its particles. It does, however, emerge in quite a few individuals without ever having made contact with asbestos and occurs more in men than ladies, nonetheless can affect both genders. The name Mesothelioma is derived from mesothelium, which is the membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. When cancer cells are active in the mesothelium, that membrane begins to deteriorate and the cancer can continue spreading to other parts of the body.

During the 1940s, millions of Americans were exposed to asbestos, however at that time, the dangers were not known. The symptoms of Mesothelioma many times usually do not appear for up to 30 to 50 years after exposure. Depending on your age, you may have relatives who have unfortunately, contracted this disease while working with asbestos or merely from being exposed to it in other ways.

If you or someone you know or are relating to have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you will find steps you could take to receive compensation. Although a monetary settlement will not cure the disease, its benefits might help to make the sick individual stay more comfortably and possibly ease their suffering somewhat.

Although you'll find individual cases, many Mesothelioma lawsuits are filed as class action suits due to the fact that a lot of people were affected at the same time at the same place. Even if the responsible company is no longer in business, the attorneys can still obtain monetary settlements through other means as there have been billions of dollars set aside for disbursements regarding Mesothelioma lawsuits.

If you or someone you love has contracted Mesothelioma, do an online search for lawyers in your area who handle these types of cases. A settlement made to you through a Mesothelioma lawsuit can offer a degree of support in more ways than one. The compensation received can assist in alleviating some of the burden of medical treatment costs, particularly for those who are uninsured, and also possibly give an individual a chance to stay in a much more comfortable atmosphere, overall.

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Living In Fear Of Mesothelioma

By Greg. Gardner

First of all, you may be wondering what mesothelioma is, and why I should be scared of it ?.....


Mesothelioma is the medical name for cancer of the lung, and is usually caused by exposure to asbestos. Symptoms my not appear for up to 50 years or so after exposure to asbestos, and people who haven't had any contact with asbestos for many years, are now showing signs of having this deadly disease. The symptoms are usually shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pains and feeling very tired.

Why should I be scared of it ?

As a small child, I used to live near a factory which used asbestos to make fire-proof products and other insulating materials for the building industry. I believe that asbestos was also used in the manufacture of break linings. I can remember seeing the asbestos dust that spewed out of the factory covering the surrounding area (including part of our school playground) with this deadly snow like powder. Of course, as we were just kids at that time, we had absolutely no idea just how deadly this dust was. We even played in it completely unaware of its dangers.

The Horror Came Later.

It wasn't until years later after the factory had been closed down, that we began to see the full horrors of this white snow looking powder, we had played with as children. By this time I was much older, and the dangers of asbestos had been given massive coverage by the media, so I was now aware of what could happen to myself and hundreds of other people who lived in the same area as this factory in years to come.

TV Documentary.

This factory received national television coverage, and on one program they interviewed families who had suffered due to the problem of asbestos. I was shocked to see that I knew some of the people who had lost family members due to developing mesothelioma, in fact I actually went to school with some of the people who took part in the program. The program showed old photographs of the area around the factory (including my old school) covered in powder, and it really did look like it had been snowing. When you see all of this on television it really does make you just a little bit worried, especially when you have been in contact with asbestos like I have.


If mesothelioma is diagnosed early enough, a cure is possible with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. However, in the case of a more advanced illness a cure is not possible, but with the right treatments the illness can be slowed down dramatically and medication can be used to ease any pain.


As a precaution I did have x-rays a few years ago just to put my mind at rest, and thankfully they were all clear. The doctor recommended that I should have x-rays on a very regular basis just to be on the safe side. So, at the moment everything is ok, but I will always be just a little bit worried of what might happen in the future.

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cancer Mesothelioma - It's A Born Killer

By Greg. Gardner

What is mesothelioma?

The pericardium is the mesothelial tissue that surrounds and acts as a safeguard to the heart. The pleural mesothelium membrane covers the lungs and chest cavity and peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that enfolds the organs in the abdominal cavity.

What is actually cancer mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the mesothelium, a dual layered membrane with which our chest, lungs, abdomen and the heart is wrapped safely.

Cancer Mesothelioma can damage any of these cells, although pleural mesothelioma is more common; it metastasizes and at an advanced stage the disease reach to the other parts of the body like the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.

How is cancer mesothelioma caused?

Though asbestos exposure is the primary reason in 70% to 80% of the cases, mesothelioma could be caused by other means, like exposure to the chemical zeolite that is also present in asbestos.

Asbestos has become part of our daily life being in cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. The asbestos fibers take their toll by going into our windpipe and settling within the internal organs causing the formation of carcinogenic tumors.

The overall scenario regarding cancer mesothelioma

Though there is a ban on particular asbestos products, around 1000 people in France and above 2000 people within the U.S are faced with this nightmare each year.

Mostly, workers from shipyards, asbestos mines and mills are prone to this mishap, due to a constant exposure to asbestos. Nonetheless, it takes 30 to 50 years for the disease to surface and show symptoms though they are not always accurate.

Cancer mesothelioma is proving more than a menace and the average person stay for 12-24 months; the earlier it is detected, the better is the cure process.

The recent picture

Today, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have put restrictions towards maintaining acceptable levels of asbestos exposure within the workplace. People who work with asbestos are geared up with individual protective equipment to lower their risk of exposure. Even the family members of the workers are prone to the disease, so they are advised to take a shower before leaving for home.

Symptoms of cancer mesothelioma

- Feeling out of breath and pain in the chest due to an accretion of fluid in the pleura - Peritoneal mesothelioma comprises weight loss and abdominal pain and a bulging abdomen due to accumulation of fluid - Bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever - Pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face

Nevertheless, a registered medical practitioner can diagnose you correctly.

Diagnosis of cancer mesothelioma

Diagnosis commences with an assessment of the patient's medical history, as well as any history of asbestos exposure. A complete physical examination could be performed, including: - X-rays of the chest or abdomen - A CT (or CAT) scan or an MRI might also be beneficial. A CT scan is a sequence of comprehensive pictures of areas inside the body created by a computer linked to an X-ray machine - In an MRI, a strong magnet connected to a computer is used to draw meticulous pictures of areas affected by cancer mesothelioma inside the body. These pictures are viewed on a monitor and can also be printed - A biopsy regarding the taking out of a sample tissue for examination is needed to verify a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Types of biopsy depending on the location of the tumor are thoracoscopy, peritoneoscopy

Lastly, the stage of the disease is crucial to the doctor for the correct diagnosis.

Cancer mesothelioma treatment

Treatment of cancer mesothelioma yields results depending on the site of the cancer, the phase of the disease, and the patient's physical condition. The usual treatments for cancer mesothelioma are surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Occasionally, these treatments are combined.

Surgery is an effective way to remove tumor but the age of the person matters. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are good approaches to ward off the symptoms.

Often, high-end drugs are given to the patient to reduce the fluid formation in body.

Thus, it's better for the workers to get a medical check-up at equal intervals and be familiar with its symptoms. If a patient is diagnosed with cancer mesothelioma at the earliest stage, the treatments might do wonders for him.

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Considerable Tips For Stand-Up Comedians

By Erin Garcia

As a stand-up comedian, you will not always perform things right. Needless to say, nobody's perfect either. At the same time, here are some tips that you can use which will keep you out of harm's way and keep you working in the stand-up comedy business.

You can't laugh at your own jokes.

During your performance, if there are people from the audience that try to distract you, keep relaxed and keep trying to perform. At some point should they maintain doing it, they shall be asked to leave by the management.

If you're performing at an open mic event, it ought to be with performances, which are similar to yours. It could be awkward to perform on a night where others are doing poetry and other readings not associated with comedy.

Surprisingly, you will find people in the audience that can take note of your jokes in hopes of using them. Look out for people like that when you are performing.

Do not overdo a joke. Execute it within the appropriate time frame. It may get old and boring if you ever keep going on with it and the audience will get annoyed.

Don't bash other stand-up comedians. Keep your opinions for yourself. If you have anything to share, allow them to ask you. If they don't, then don't press the problem. This cannot get you any appreciation from your peers.

Becoming offensive is a no-no. You happen to be there to get them to have fun. They don't want to hear about stuff that are vile and make them disappointed.

Convey yourself in a way that people will enjoy it. You need to be yourself when you do it.

Don't speak so loud which you could break the eardrums of your audience. Keep your volume to a sufficient level. Tone your voice lower and change the microphone if you need to.

During your performance, maintain a good mindset, regardless of what. Even if the audience doesn't laugh at your jokes, keep a smile on your face.

Don't be a substance abuser. This will certainly not help you while you are performing on stage. It does not help you when you are attempting to create new material. In fact, you won't have the ability to think right when you are in this zone. Always be sensible while you are performing in front of an audience.

It weighs more on an audience on how they receive your overall performance rather than focusing on you. You are there to have them laugh. If you're not delivering, they are not likely to laugh at your jokes. You're there to entertain them, not to amuse yourself.

Always be pleasant from start to finish and never offend others, particularly your fellow stand-up comedians. You will never know when you'll need a favor from them one day. If you have more opponents compared to friends, you'll probably be all messed up. Nobody would like to do anything for you.

Never be conceited because you have a few performances under your belt. You can find people out there who are professionals that know how to carry themselves appropriately. They know that if they don't then they could be out of a job. Acting stuck up will push anyone to put you back in your place from where you started.

Don't make fun of other people. Don't hurt their feelings intentionally. You are there to perform, not to make fun of anyone. People in the audience will take offense to that and walk out. Your fan base may start to decrease.

When you perform, never force yourself to create a joke when you don't have any idea whether it's going to be funny or not. Stay with your typical stream and perform the way you normally do. If you have to, produce newer and more effective material days before you are on to perform again.

You have to project an image that's really representing you as a stand-up comedian. You need your audience to be aware that you are warm and friendly and want to make them have fun while you are performing.

Don't do anything that may turn your audience off from you.

It's all right to be clean cut so that your audience will know you are funny, yet sincere about your craft.

Do not go overboard while you're performing and telling jokes. Though free speech is out there, sometimes we must become careful as not to be rude to other people.

Create your own jokes to make certain that people could get the jest of what you really are discussing. You don't want them leaving the venue shaking their heads in wonder.

If you perform one-liners, make sure that they are good ones. Not every stand-up comedian has the capacity to do this, but if you are, more power to you. They could be your ram in the bush when you wish extra material to perform. Be mindful regarding the subject matter where you use the one-liners.

Doing tale jokes demand stand-up comedians to become genuine about the subject matter or at least do it like it could be the real deal. It's not necessary to make up or lie regarding what you are talking about.

When you are performing jokes that include question and answer combos, they must relate to the present climate in your life. Anything else would be a waste of time.

Be yourself and stay natural. Anything else the audience would pick up on it right away.

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How Stand-Up Comedians Could Possibly Get Into TV Or Film

By Erin Garcia

There are many stand-up comedians who have turned out to be successful and popular. Their accomplishment has brought them to do TV sitcoms based on their story.

When you have an agent and start to get recognized, you could start really creating a reputation for yourself.

Stand-up comedians will use their emotions from the time they were maturing to integrate it with what they experience at present.

Any kind of previous encounters are a great place to start and make use of as material. If you've been a substance abuser or perhaps you had been deserted growing up, you can use those things to have it up and running. Even though those happenings had been regarded as painful, in some way you can consider them and come up with a joke out of them.

Join in a variety of small performing shows. Do some extra movie work or audition for a part where you do minor conversing. If the charm is there, you may audition to have your own radio show.

Begin composing material as though you already had your own show. You may want to do some additional stand-up performances to obtain a larger audience. Find out if you can get some of the important players and decision makers to come and see you perform. If not them see if possible to have their representative to come out and have a look. Their representatives are generally an extension of them.

Be mindful that you might need to go through a lot of executives and political plays to acquire what you look for. Everyone won't always be responsive because they believe they know what viewers are interested in.

However, so long as you keep putting your name out there, somebody may say yes. Don't give up your sitcom dream. The moment you want to give up is actually when someone will contact you and say, "Yes, we'll offer you an opportunity.

Even when you're getting a television sitcom, you can also branch out into film. Movie directors will always be searching for comedians who are able to deliver good punch lines to make the film popular. In fact, some top movies are so good that they end up doing sequels.

Never give up your dream of being a successful stand-up comedian on television or perhaps in movies. That's how many of the other popular comedians got started; with a hope, a dream, perseverance and finally a sitcom on television.

Once you get a sitcom, create characters, which are similar to you and how you grew up. This is less difficult because you'll be able to connect. Once you have established that, sooner or later, you will need to evolve into other pursuits.

You may realize that the person that you had been in your stand-up routines won't always be a similar person. You will have to make improvements and perhaps do subjects, which you thought you would never have to deal with for television. Be thankful you have been granted an opportunity to move to next level.

To be a stand-up comedian is difficult. However, if you like doing it, your craft can turn into a lot more than just doing shows in comedy clubs and other locations. You should be hardworking with your craft, and others will prove your truthfulness in your performances.

Stand-up comedians should have loads of passion and love for their business, as they understand it's not easy to perform before an audience and then try to have them laugh. You're not performing to constantly hit the bull's eye when sharing jokes to them. Many may possibly like them while others probably won't. Do not be discouraged with the haters and the hecklers because they are out there.

You will need to keep at it, because you never know who could possibly be out in the audience at any moment. That person might be the one who can take your career to another level.

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Getting A Mesothelima Lawyer To Fight Against Lung Cancer

By Greg. Gardner

It is said that mesothelioma is linked to lung cancer and it is a good idea to get the help that is deserved when someone feels like they have been diagnosed because of the work that they did for a living. There are many mesothelimo lawyers that are waiting to help you with your situation and will get you the settlement that you deserve.

There are many people that this disease affects. It will take its toll on the entire family. These lung cancer patients deserve to have the respect and the care that they deserve for all their duties while in the work force. It is important that these patients and their families have the necessary information that they deserve to be well informed about the entire process.

Malignant mesothelima is a rare form of lung cancer that is brought on by asbestos. The term mesothelioma is used to describe a cancer tumor, which involves the mesothelial cells of an organ; this is usually the lungs, heart, or the abdominal organs. When a person is diagnosed with this form of disease, a mesothelima lawyer will fight to give them the rights that they so deserve.

A person this is diagnosed with this form of cancer will have a long hard struggle in front of them. For most people, they will not get any better and will have to live with this type of problem for the rest of their life. When someone has to go through that much pain and suffering in their life because their company did not tell them that they were in danger, they will deserve a settlement for their time and their pain.

A mesothelioma lawyer will fight for their patients to have all of their medical bills paid and to have a little extra money to help them with the rest of their life. This is an important procedure that will determine how well you settle out. You need to be confident in your attorney so that the facts can be presented and the client will have a fair and good case.

In some cases the patients will die before the case is settled. In these cases, the families of them will be entitled to the remaining settlement. They will have to live without their family member for the rest of their life due to this terrible form of cancer and they will deserve to be compensated well for that reason. A mesothelioma lawyer will help them fight for what their loved one wanted so much.

In the end, the money and the settlement cannot make what is wrong turn right. It is not going to bring back the loved one. However, it will be telling these companies that they did something wrong and that they did not get away with it. You will be fighting for rights of the workers and the responsibilities of the employers.

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How Do You Treat Pericardial Mesothelioma ?

By Greg. Gardner

Of all the cancers caused by asbestos dust (mesothelioma), pericardial mesothelioma is one of the most rare, accounting for a fraction of all cases (5%). It's a cancer that grows on the pericardium (the lining of the heart). This is a delicate 'film', and any infection on the pericardium can have deadly consequences.

Once an individual has been diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma they are offered three different treatment options. These are radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Pericardial mesothelioma is extremely challenging to treat (due to the intricacies involved in removing the tumours from the pericardium), and a patient's odds of survival are slim. All three methods have a poor success rate mainly due to the fact that pericardial mesothelioma is detected in the mature stages of development. (The reason for this is due to the fact that during the early stages of the cancer the symptoms resemble those of diseases like pneumonia). The prognosis for a patient undergoing treatment at this point (mature stage) is usually less than a year.

Before treatment, the patient requires a doctor's evaluation in order to determine which of the three treatments are suitable for him/her. Details such as age, weight, medical history, and general well-being are considered prior to the commencement of treatment. So, how do you treat pericardial mesothelioma ?

Radiation - As with all cancer treatments that use this procedure, large doses of radiation are used to kill the cancerous cells on the pericardium. The downside to radiation treatment is that not only are you killing off the cancerous cells, nevertheless you are also damaging the vital organs in close proximity to the heart, namely the lungs. The heart also gets damaged (due to the large doses of radiation).

Surgery - We can break this down into two parts; aggressive surgery and palliative procedures. Aggressive surgery involves the removal of the cancerous cell. Since these are extremely close to the heart and lungs, this makes it an extremely precarious procedure and one that requires an extremely skilled surgeon. Palliative procedures are used in the latest of stages of pericardial mesothelioma and serve the sole purpose of reducing the symptoms. Usually at this stage the cancer is practically incurable.

Chemotherapy - This is the most widely-used of cancer therapies which involves the use of drugs to kill the cancerous cells. Unfortunately, the majority of drugs used have a low success rate with pericardial mesothelioma. Research is being conducted to come up with a cocktail of drugs that have a more favourable outcome.

There does exist another form of treatment which involves using all three aforementioned treatment options. It's known as Dual Therapy. Surgery is used to remove the cancerous cells, then chemotherapy and radiation are used to kill the remaining cells. The success rate for this approach is higher than just utilizing radiation, surgery or chemotherapy alone, nonetheless can still be harmful.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Asbestos Settlement- The Grim Reality

By Greg. Gardner

Reasons for Asbestos Settlement

In the recent years, there has been a drastic increase in the number of asbestos settlement cases, owing to the increasing number of people suffering from asbestos related diseases. Studies reveal that a majority of people developed several lung diseases like mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure. The owners of manufacturing industries that use asbestos now find themselves in legal battles because of the overuse of asbestos. The owners persistently used asbestos materials despite being aware of the ill effects of asbestos on the human body. Several people are suffering from mesothelioma cancers, asbestosis, cancer or some other kind of asbestos related lung and stomach disorders because of their negligent behavior. This negligence is the reason for growing cases of asbestos litigations and asbestos settlements.

Asbestos- A Silent Killer

Asbestos is a natural fibrous material that was widely used in shipyards, insulation, railroads, construction processes, building materials and many other manufacturing industries for more than a century. Exposure to airborne asbestos fibers is dangerous for human health and can cause some serious damage to the lungs. It results in diseases like mesothelioma cancers, asbestosis and other dangerous diseases. Most of the diseases caused by asbestos show their symptoms in very late stages making it very difficult to treat.

Mesothelioma- An offspring of Asbestos

Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer that is caused by asbestos. It is very difficult to diagnose mesothelioma in early stages and by the time the disease has been diagnosed, it becomes nearly impossible to treat and cure. Mesothelioma cancers can also damage the abdomen, the reproductive organs and even the heart. Almost 70 to 80 people diagnosed with mesothelioma have a history of exposure to asbestos. The asbestos workers and even their families are vulnerable to mesothelioma cancers. Asbestos litigation and asbestos settlement are necessary for mesothelioma victims because the treatment of mesothelioma involves huge expenses.

Asbestos Litigation vs. Asbestos Settlement

To select between asbestos settlement and asbestos litigation is a difficult task. Both the methods have their own pros and cons. The attorneys favoring settlement place an argument that settlement is a faster process and helps in getting compensation without a troublesome lawsuit. However, the ones favoring litigation say that the average amount of compensation in asbestos lawsuits is much higher than the average amounts paid in asbestos settlements. You can select the right mode for you in consultation with your asbestos attorney and the merits of your case.

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Asbestos - Mesothelioma

By Greg. Gardner

Asbestos is the biggest work place killer today. Those who have worked with asbestos or who are regularly in contact with someone who has are at risk from asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. All these are fatal respiratory diseases which are extremely difficult to cure. Research is being carried out in various research labs all over the USA and many pharmaceutical companies are also endeavouring to find new drugs and treatment methods.

One rare disease caused by asbestos which is becoming increasingly common is mesothelioma. Although unknown by many today, it is almost certain that awareness of this disease will be broadcasted worldwide because of its increasing occurrence in men aged between 55 and 70. Many of these men are now lodging multi million dollar lawsuits against the companies who subjected them to asbestos. Those most at risk from mesothelioma are those who have been in regular contact with asbestos dust and fibres without sufficient protection. Just a couple of months of exposure to asbestos can lead to mesothelioma 30 years later. The latency period (amount of time the disease takes to start taking effect) of mesothelioma is 30 - 50 years which is one of the reasons it is so difficult to cure because it is very difficult to tackle in its early stages. Another reason it is so difficult to cure is that its early symptoms are characteristic of many other more common diseases such as pneumonia.

Mesothelioma symptoms include:

- Chest pains - Coughing that worsens over time - Weight loss - Shortness of breath - Coughing up blood - Nausea and vomiting - Fatigue - Wheezing - Lung infection - Swollen lymph nodes - Loss of appetite

A patient will feel symptoms depending on which type of mesothelioma he or she has got.

In the next 35 years it is estimated that over 1 million people will die from asbestos related diseases in developed countries. Most of these people will die from lung cancer and mesothelioma as these two are the most prolific asbestos related diseases.

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Asbestos Mesothelioma- A Deadly Disease

By Greg. Gardner

Asbestos- the Main Culprit behind Asbestos Mesothelioma

Asbestos mesothelioma is a rare but dangerous cancer caused by exposure to asbestos particles suspended in the air. Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring silicate minerals. It is made up of strong and durable fibers that are resistant to heat and fire. Thin long and flexible structure of asbestos fibers allows you to weave them even into cloth. These inherent qualities of asbestos prompted the manufacturers of industrial, automotive, maritime, scientific, building and consumer products to use it widely during 1890-1970.

Different Types of Mesothelioma and Their Symptoms

Asbestos mesothelioma affects the lining of lungs, abdominal organs or heart. Asbestos mesothelioma affecting lining of lungs or pleural membrane is called pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining of abdominal organs or peritoneum. When this disease shows its effect in the lining of heart or pericardium, it is known as pericardial mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are pain and swelling in abdomen, weakness, loss of weight, loss of appetite and nausea. In most of the cases, fluid accumulates in the peritoneal space. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, weakness, loss of weight, loss of appetite, chest pain, lower back pain and difficulty in swallowing. In most of the cases, a fluid accumulates in pleural space.

Asbestos Mesothelioma Kills Silently

Most unfortunate thing about the asbestos mesothelioma is its long latency period. Any individual, who had asbestos exposure even 20 to 50 years back, may have asbestos mesothelioma lying dormant in his body without any appearance of aforementioned symptoms. By the time, symptoms become noticeable, it is already too late. The average survival time of all types of mesothelioma patients is not more than 24 months.

Diagnosis of Asbestos Mesothelioma

Diagnosis of asbestos mesothelioma involves x-ray, CT-scan, peritoneoscopy and bronchoscopy. After finding any abnormality doctor may suggest biopsy. In biopsy, we send a tissue sample for pathological examination. After examining tissue sample an expert pathologist can confirm about the development of disease.

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are some treatment options available for the patients suffering from asbestos mesothelioma. People suffering form asbestos mesothelioma can filer lawsuits to recover damages for the persons or industries responsible for their asbestos exposure.

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Asbestos Home Testing- Prevention Is Better Than Cure

By Greg. Gardner

Asbestos home testing is a process of testing the presence of asbestos in homes in general and building materials in particular. Asbestos is a mineral fiber resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity. Building and insulation industries made widespread use of asbestos in their operations. Asbestos is commonly used in your homes in one form or the other. Some building materials that may contain asbestos materials are vinyl floor tiles; patching compounds textured paints, furnace and stovepipe, insulation, stove door gaskets, roofing shingles, cement, and siding material.

Asbestos was most commonly used until early 1970s in various home appliances, such as toasters, clothes dryers, and hair dryers. Now, government has laid norms for the use of asbestos and its exposure. Asbestos home testing is essential because exposure to and inhalation of Asbestos fibers is dangerous to health. Friable asbestos materials in homes, industries and appliances could lead to serious asbestos related diseases. Following people are more vulnerable to Asbestos-related diseases:

- Works in industries and mines - Construct Buildings - Make ceilings - Perform Ceiling insulation

Apart from these persons all other persons who live in houses having asbestos contaminated building material or are involved in use or repair of appliances and products that contain asbestos can also contact asbestos diseases. This makes asbestos home testing a necessary process for all homes that are built before 1980s and all the people who are using appliances and or products that could contain asbestos materials.

Health Hazards Of Asbestos

Undamaged Asbestos cannot cause any health hazards. When asbestos is exposed to hitting, rubbing, or extreme vibration, its wear and tear occurs and shows signs of abrasion. Asbestos is only harmful, when damaged, and its fiber gets mixed with air. You can determine the status and stability of asbestos products by asbestos home testing. Asbestos home testing is compulsory because asbestos exposure could lead to fatal diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma cancers. Asbestos may harm you only if you inhale asbestos fiber. There are no safe levels of asbestos exposure and even short-term exposure to asbestos creates a possibility of your catching any disease caused by asbestos.

Removing Asbestos From Home

It is not possible to perform asbestos testing in home. You need qualified professional to test the presence of asbestos in your home. Asbestos abatement is the process of determining the status of asbestos material and taking corrective measures for preventing risk of asbestos exposure. It is not necessary that you have to remove all the asbestos material from your home. You can also opt for economic measures such as enclosures and encapsulation for preventing the risk of asbestos exposure even without removing the Asbestos Containing Materials.

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Finding Great Bands - Wedding Day Preparations

By Michael Chen

For music bands wedding ceremony would be a wonderful stage to highlight the band's talents. Not only the band will have a the opportunity to perform in front of a wide audience but also there is the chance of meeting people, networking and of course earning a bit. You can always raise the sentiment of the listeners and make them have a good time so that they remember the wedding along with the band.

Nowadays, the trend among people is to make their wedding extra special and different from others. There is the personalized factor working even in weddings. So people tend to hire live bands to play songs, especially for the bride and the groom besides the full fledged entertainment of the guests. Hence for the bands wedding ceremonies can be opportunities to earn quite a bit depending on the hours you are playing for. Thus for bands wedding ceremony is a lucrative deal.

For the bands wedding ceremonies can provide the chance of a lot of diversification of music. Special songs for the bride and groom are the need of the hour in these wedding parties along with other chart toppers or oldies. Since the turnout at any wedding has different age groups, for the music bands wedding ceremonies are a chance to show the up.

Again, for the bands wedding ceremony is a challenge because there is the need to create the proper mood for the ceremony with the variation of live music. While some weddings will require soft music to be played in backgrounds allowing conversations among the guests, other clients may like the idea of having party toppers being played and dances on the dance floors with the live band in performance.

Recently, there are a number of themed weddings. This is where the bands caliber is at stake. There must be coordination between the theme of the wedding and the song selection and song line up of the band. The performance should always tally with the theme to give it more life. If the theme is a beach party, reggae performances are expected while a themed wedding at a farmhouse will go along best with country numbers. The band should be dressed up to the theme and their performances should steer up the crowd in order to bring out the force of the theme.

Moreover, many a times, there are requests from the clients in the wedding to do some special jigs. For the bands wedding party could be challenging to perform those jigs and the band should be prepared for it. The special moments when the bride is walking down the aisle or the groom kissing the bride should be backed up with tracks by the band that matches the situation. The emotion should flare up with the music.

For professional live bands wedding with a theme requires a proper play list which will tag along to the theme. There should be songs covering decades and there will be requests from the audience which the band has to fulfill. This needs proper rehearsal and professionalism on the band's part.

It can be concluded that for live music bands wedding ceremonies provide a good opportunity to showcase their talents so that not only the special occasion is made more special but also so that their own talents and goodwill grow and get promoted by words of mouth form here onwards.

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