Friday, August 13, 2010

Deciphering The Meaning Behind Dirty Diana Lyrics By Michael Jackson

By Mark Turgeon

Before one can understand the meaning behind Michael Jackson's Dirty Diana Lyrics, one must first understand the life of a superstar. A life in which often, groupies tend to follow their favorite artists all around the World for a chance of a hello, a fling, much less a relationship. However, while both have no doubt happened over time, at times such behavior can also lead to blackmail, deceit and heartbreak.

So, while it may be tempting to believe that Diana may in fact be Diana Ross, most likely Michael is singing about a fan who he became involved with, in which such relationship didn't work out due to her overzealous behavior related not only to his stardom, but in the case of many other bands as well. In addition, the woman within the song, whether based in fact or fiction, is clearly a groupie. Therefore, the lyrics bring forth even more truth that the "Dirty Diana", which Michael Jackson speaks of is a fan not a star.

Also, although the fan in the song seems to have fared okay with only a broken heart, others who have provided stars with such overzealous attention in more recent yeas have often faced charges of harassment or stalking. So, if one has a favorite star, whether actor or musician, one may in fact want to keep one's distance in order to prevent such charges in one's own life. For, the days when such attention could be garnered and appreciated seem to have transformed into a time when individuals need their private moments more than ever. Therefore, more and more individuals who find themselves feeling uncomfortable in such situations are notifying authorities.

Also, as most such individuals are uncomfortable with such attention outside their performance venue, it is good to allow these individuals the space they both need and deserve. For, while it may look like being the limelight is fun, this is not always the case. To this end, it is good to give one the privacy one needs in such regard. Perhaps this is the intention in relation to the lyrics in the first half of "Dirty Diana".

As to how one can see that the lyrics are in relation to either a factual or fictional groupie named "Dirty Diana", one only has to read the line about "waiting at the backdoor stage", to see this is the case. Whereas, in this case however, it is not about being a fan but rather wanting to be a star in exchange for sex as is seen by the line "I'll Be Your Everything, If You Make Me A Star...", which implies that Dirty Diana is only going to become involved with the star if he can make her one as well. A point which no one who has ever heard the song or seen a related video can deny.

So, whether or not Michael Jackson provided an invitation to a fan, whether factual or fictional, is not in question. What is, is the question of how one need handle such a situation should it arise in the future, whether one may be the fan or star. For, while stardom is one thing, blackmail and deceit are another even when one is offering sex as part of the bargain. Therefore, if such a star is feeling threatened in any way, one could easily have to pay large fine, serve jail time and in some cases, be branded for life.

Although, as most people know, it is not the talents in the bedroom that help one achieve true success, rather the talents outside that matter most. So, while one can definitely understand why Mr. Jackson may have desired to portray such behavior in a negative light. For, if not, other individuals similar to "Dirty Diana", may often repeat such behaviors over and over, until a time such behavior is brought to light as being desperate and negative rather than fun-loving and sexy.

Last but not least, as to whether or not the Dirty Diana lyrics were penned to forewarn others about such groupies, or prevent future groupies form attempting such outrageous behavior, is not always clear. What is clear however, is that individuals listening to such a song may want to recognize the message provided within such lyrics. This is so that if one encounters a famous person, whether artist, musician or superstar, one can approach the situation appropriately and in the best interest of all involved.

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