Friday, September 24, 2010

G2D Cream Tone Effects Pedal

By Francis Oswald

The G2D Cream-Tone is anything but you typical, standard overdrive effects pedal. It is capable of producing all of the effects that any other Overdrive can but yet it produces so much more reserving its place in the higher levels of Overdrive pedals. Dave Manning and Grant Wills are responsible for its development and being from Mann Electronics, it's perhaps unsurprising that it is used by many professional musicians.

It is an effects pedal designed for the musician who places an emphasis on finding "his own sound". The tone of the pedal is crystal clear and ever so sharp due to its two-stage configuration settings. It is essentially an effects pedal for the modern professional guitarist.

Like most effects pedals, the Cream-Tone is at its most efficient when being performed in certain genres and excels when creating blues-tone kind of sounds. The tone is creamy, in fact. The reason why this particular effects pedal works so well with the blues guitar is down to the fact that single coil pickups were prevalent in its configuration when being developed.

The design of the G2D Cream-Tone is 100% retro. Its cream-coloured control knobs and chunky brown chassis very definitely say vintage. On the left, you will find the volume which provides a great deal of boost, a single knob which can set the amount of volume boost you want for lead breaks and a wide-sweep Tone control. There are not one but two footswitches, a true Bypass and also a Blue/Solo switch which activates the oh so subtle boost, and also three very bright, LEDs, all of different colour for instant visual mode identification.

If blues is your forte and the crunchy, overdriven "Sound of the South" is your holy grail of distortion effects then the G2D Cream-Tone overdrive pedal is certainly the dream effect pedal you should be using for your blues set up.

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