Friday, December 24, 2010

Recent Indie Debut Classics

By Marcus Brooks

If you love indie music like I do, you know very well that there have been some exceptional musical debuts over the course of the last two years. We'll be including music from 2008 and 2009 here, and narrowing it down to the three that I'm going to mention will be a difficult task.

This article will only focus on three of the best debuts during this period, which will naturally be very challenging. There's been such a great amount of new music during these last two years, and many exceptional new bands will be left out of this conversation.

The three articles that I choose to discuss are all wonderfully crafted albums that all music lovers should listen to. If you've never heard of these bands, you're in for a treat as soon as you do.

First one on my list is Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago. This is one of the best albums I've heard in a long time. The raw emotion conveyed on it and the slow, catchy hooks are truly unique.

They say that he wrote this isolated in a cabin through the course of the winter, and the loneliness and isolation genuinely shows in his music.

The second debut that makes my list is Vampire Weekend's self titled debut. This album came out in late 2008, and it marked the birth of a truly original and sophisticated band. With influences that span from classical to world music to indie rock, this is one of the best bands in modern music.

The final album on my list my very well be my favorite. If you're already immersed in the indie world, there's a very good chance that you've already heard last year's debut album by Fleet Foxes. This was one of the most well received albums of 2008.

If you somehow haven't heard these, I envy you for the beautiful music you'll be hearing for the first time.

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