You really don't need to be the next big time Dr. Dre style producer if you want to get started trying to sell beats online. If you want to, you can sell beats simply and without too much trouble as long as you follow the right guidelines. There is information out there which most producers will never even find in their marketing lifetime, and it can help wonderfully.
If you think that you're at a point with selling beats to where you just can't learn anymore, I would urge you to think again. For instance, if you haven't unlocked the power of site content and conversion rates, then I would say you've still got about a thousand miles to go.
Let me explain what a conversion rate is... A conversion rate is the number of visitors who turn into buyers after visiting your site. This means that if 100 people visit your site within a day and 2 of them buy, that's a 2% conversion rate. You can also have a conversion rate for gathering emails, too. Let's say 100 visitors come to your site and 10 join your mailing list. That's a 10% conversion rate.
This is a good tactic to demonstrate as well because the truth of the matter is that gathering emails and marketing to those emails again and again is the single easiest way to generate sales. As long as you have a hungry market (which as a beat salesman, you definitely do), you can make your email campaigns really take off for the better.
If you want to do good then you need to understand where you are. You are online and there are thousands of other producers on the internet who are selling beats right now. The trick is to contact the big-ballers on websites such as Soundclick and Rocbattle and just show them love, respect and ask them direct questions. Contact them and ask them specific questions that are quick and to the point. You'd be surprised, many producers will respond with helpful insight.
Starting on a site like Soundclick can be very good for the time being, especially if you're not making any money at all selling beats. But once you hit $3,000 a month or so, you basically contact a ceiling. It becomes hard to be able to surpass those numbers and you kind of only go down or up slightly from there. Gathering emails is your best bet, but still that can take a very long time.
If you want to rally expand and make some serious cash, there are several ways to do this. The best way that I've come across is to start your own website with your own domain and hosting, then start to slowly gain traffic one visitor at a time. Keep promoting using article marketing and SEO and you'll be full time in no time.
If you want to seriously make doe on top of the money you make from the internet, the best way to do that is to pursue record labels. You basically produce a great, phenomenal artist's entire project... Then you go ahead and promote the project and get record sales coming in. After that you can go look for record labels to pick up the project and distribute, master and promote it themselves. This is good because producing tracks for artists who sell even a good amount of records (meaning 2,000-10,000 records over a period of about a year), that's the fastest way to get real hardcore beat buyers who will offer you way more money than you'd usually make online. The buzz spreads itself.
If you think that you're at a point with selling beats to where you just can't learn anymore, I would urge you to think again. For instance, if you haven't unlocked the power of site content and conversion rates, then I would say you've still got about a thousand miles to go.
Let me explain what a conversion rate is... A conversion rate is the number of visitors who turn into buyers after visiting your site. This means that if 100 people visit your site within a day and 2 of them buy, that's a 2% conversion rate. You can also have a conversion rate for gathering emails, too. Let's say 100 visitors come to your site and 10 join your mailing list. That's a 10% conversion rate.
This is a good tactic to demonstrate as well because the truth of the matter is that gathering emails and marketing to those emails again and again is the single easiest way to generate sales. As long as you have a hungry market (which as a beat salesman, you definitely do), you can make your email campaigns really take off for the better.
If you want to do good then you need to understand where you are. You are online and there are thousands of other producers on the internet who are selling beats right now. The trick is to contact the big-ballers on websites such as Soundclick and Rocbattle and just show them love, respect and ask them direct questions. Contact them and ask them specific questions that are quick and to the point. You'd be surprised, many producers will respond with helpful insight.
Starting on a site like Soundclick can be very good for the time being, especially if you're not making any money at all selling beats. But once you hit $3,000 a month or so, you basically contact a ceiling. It becomes hard to be able to surpass those numbers and you kind of only go down or up slightly from there. Gathering emails is your best bet, but still that can take a very long time.
If you want to rally expand and make some serious cash, there are several ways to do this. The best way that I've come across is to start your own website with your own domain and hosting, then start to slowly gain traffic one visitor at a time. Keep promoting using article marketing and SEO and you'll be full time in no time.
If you want to seriously make doe on top of the money you make from the internet, the best way to do that is to pursue record labels. You basically produce a great, phenomenal artist's entire project... Then you go ahead and promote the project and get record sales coming in. After that you can go look for record labels to pick up the project and distribute, master and promote it themselves. This is good because producing tracks for artists who sell even a good amount of records (meaning 2,000-10,000 records over a period of about a year), that's the fastest way to get real hardcore beat buyers who will offer you way more money than you'd usually make online. The buzz spreads itself.
About the Author:
If you seriously want to Sell Beats, then visit the links in this paragraph and start Selling Beats today.
yo check out my beat selling course Sell Beats
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