Wednesday, September 22, 2010

One Man's Junk Is Another Man's Treasure

By Bob Proctor

My older brother, now living in Sacramento, used to be what some might consider a garage sale addict. Every Saturday morning would find him plying the neighborhoods for hidden treasures in the form of others' cast-offs. He always got 'a good deal' and almost everything he acquired found its way to the garage. The garage was FULL.

One Saturday when he came home with, among other things, a couple of leaflet holders I questioned the wisdom of that particular purchase. His answer was (you guessed it), "They were an unbelievable bargain!" Really? Yeah... they were FREE.

I asked what his intentions were for these plastic advertising displays and he wasn't sure. Maybe they could be useful in advertising his own sale, which was being planned for 'sometime' in the future. That sounded like an idea. It was about time to clear out some of the stuff that had been accumulating where a person should have been able to park a car. After all, it WAS a triple-garage space.

He met a nice woman and eventually moved in with her, necessitating the vacating of his previous premises for the new tenant... me! Since it was to be my home away from home he left nearly all the furniture and appliances, since his girlfriend already had all this stuff. It made my transition a whole lot easier too. I also inherited the garage full of 'stuff', which he promised would be removed post-haste.

True to his word the garage was emptied and again useable within a few months. I was even able to get my car parked in there! That may have been the first time that particular car-parking area was used for its intended purpose... vehicle protection.

My brother was also nice enough to leave some of his clothes behind when he left. All neatly arrayed on sturdy wooden hangers, I was pleased to find we were still the same size (and still have similar taste in apparel). I wondered if he'd mind if I borrowed that leather jacket! The answer was, "No," he didn't mind and I was given permission to use anything left behind as though it were my own. That's a very cool brother.

Now my brother and I live half a world apart. When I retired I made the move from Sacramento to Cebu. He's still there, and when I made my move he had to come and clear out the house. He ended up renting two additional storage units, for a total of four. It makes me wonder... when is enough too much?

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