Saturday, September 4, 2010

How To Sell Beats Effectively

By Markus Damius

If you wanted to ask me how to sell beats online in a simple way that is going to be sustainable, I think my best answer would come in this article. But first, you have to understand that the best way to do business in any field is to find the most cost effective, fast and easy way to promote yourself without breaking your back. Breaking your back should never be an issue, you should always be happy with it.

The first more important step is to learn how to sell beats with the minimum amount of effort and funds being spent. This means that your main priority should be developing new ideas and coming up with ways to promote yourself that are sustainable and easy to manage. If you're spending a huge heap of money for advertisements every time you want to make money, chances are that you're going to be running up short in the end. It's extremely hard to keep spending huge amounts of money on a website because there's so much overhead cost to make up.

I think that SEO combined with article marketing is the best way to promote yourself without reaching into your pocket. It's going to take a lot of hard work, but the truth is that you're either going to sacrifice time or money if you want to promote yourself correctly. If you're a hard worker and you're ready for anything, then definitely start off with SEO marketing because its ultra effective. On Soundclick you can get 10,000 plays a day and not make any sales, while using article marketing and SEO marketing, you'll be making sales every 100 clicks or so (if your conversion rate is even decent).

First you need an article spinner. I use Unique Article Wizard but the price is monthly and it's sort of expensive. There are free article spinners to be found online, and many of them aren't half bad. Once you've found one, you need to write articles, spin them and distribute a newly spun article to every article submission site which you can come across. For you this is music blogs and article directories. Also, make sure the articles you write are related to your niche (buying beats) and don't hold back on quality.

Building back links is the way to go if you want to rank for the SEO charts on Google, and to do that all you need to do is submit your articles! But also make sure that the article links to your site in the resource box and the link should be an anchor text... Meaning if you want to rank for the keyword 'buy beats', be sure to make 'buy beats' the anchor texts for your beat selling article.

When you're writing your articles, be sure to include lots of LSI keywords, which are keywords related to the main competing word but not the same as it. For instance, LSI keywords for 'buy beats' would be 'purchase beats', 'buying beats', 'buy beats online', etc. Do your research and find some really great keywords to compete in.

Once you have your article written, go ahead and spin in... Using a new spin each time, submit your articles to the top directories online. You can find a list of the top 30 or 50 article submission websites and start grinding today. Distribution often takes just as long as it takes to write the articles themselves, if not a lot longer, but this is one of the most sustainable, cheap and easy to do forms of marketing available on the market. Get into the top 5 in search results for SEO and you'll be bringing in some good, buying traffic that can be made to convert using site content.

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