Saturday, August 7, 2010

DJ Mixers- Look Before You Choose

By Charles Cook

DJs are quite popular these days, and you'll often find them in wedding parties, clubs, concerts, etc. But even the best DJs have to take good care of their equipments, properly and regularly, in order to perform their best. A DJ mixer can make a DJ, but also break him as well. If you become a DJ and in the midst of a function, you find your equipment malfunctioning, just imagine how humiliating and dreadful that would be. Thus, before you start off your career as a DJ, find the best mixer around and then commence with your mixing stuff.

Now, if you are thinking of getting yourself a DJ mixing kit, then there are a few things you need to be careful about. First, comes your budget, i.e. look at your pocket before you scan the materials. DJ mixers are available in various sizes, and the quality depends on the company and the price of the mixer. If you are just starting your career, then a mixer worth $80 is enough to fulfill your training, but if you go for playing and performing in concerts or ceremonies, then you need better equipment that may cost up to $175. It's better to save your money for the bigger ones though.

Next is the type of platform where you'll be performing. The types of devices you want to keep in your mixer will help you choose the no. of channels you need in your mixer. For e.g. a two-channel mixer usually have two phono inputs along with two line inputs. You may connect two turntables to the phono inputs, and digital platforms to the line inputs.

Two and four channel mixers are more popular these days than the three or five channel variant. Thirdly, you have to decide what type of DJ you want to be. Many DJs are available who have geared themselves for mixing, but there are others whose main talent lies in scratching.

Usually the hip-hop DJs prefer more effects than the house or electronic ones. Now, the types of effects you can produce depend on the quality and versatility of your mixer. The effects include cross fading like hamster, magnetic and assignable cross faders. Other cool effects include mic, looping, tap effects, and touch screen effects. The mixers priced more have more of these features and effects, and thus choosing what you really wish for will narrow down your choice and will help you take the perfect decision.

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