Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How To Obtain Your Comedic Voice

By Erin Garcia

You will need to obtain your voice for comedy before you get out there and deal with that brutal world referred to as an audience. You'll have to get the thinking on paper and do some writing.

Use a note pad with lined paper (preferably letter-size paper or smaller) and jot down any thought you have. Anything that is exceptional to you or your family could be considered. Do not use situations that usually are confidential in nature. Your friends as well as family members may not really like you after that.

Proceed to some comedy performances and analyze professional comedians. You will not notice the similar routine however it's a great approach to look at them to get some observation in what you want to perform. Get to know some of them so that you could get your foot in the door.

Do the job on some stand-up comedy material for yourself. See what you can find in yourself that could end up being usable as a good comedy piece. Make use of scenarios which you really feel have a lot of sensation as well as meaning.

When you have enough to carry on for a while, then find an open mic session. Take your own notebook in the event you want a refresher. Hit up the crowd with some jokes and make yourself seen as much as you can.

While you're out, and if you observe something which could be a premise for future comedy material then take notes of your findings and conclusions.

Many people love to hear you tell jokes. Your family and friends exclaim about how much you can get people to laugh. They seem to consider that stand-up comedy can be your true calling. Now you have to discover how amusing you really are as well as what you can do in order to make the most of this particular gift.

See some top professional comedians on television. Examine the way they do their own techniques and share their stories. If you are a born storyteller, then you can start off by doing that. Or perhaps if you're the kind that's very watchful, then you might want to get into that sub-genre. Regardless if you hit the big time, it's not necessary to rest on your laurels. There can always be new material that you can study from.

Have some family and friends together and show your material. Ask all of them to provide you with their own thoughts on your performance. Don't hesitate to inform them to be sincere. It could be challenging with someone that you're comfortable with since they do not want to harm your feelings if they feel you suck and need to improve. Be sure to have notes.

Examine your notes in order to sort out strengths and weaknesses. Do a comparison of those notes with your activities on video and find out what will come close or is appropriate on point with the personality that you perform. Anything you do the most and the very best of, is what you need to start out with.

Practice your stand-up acts in front of a mirror. Stick with what you do best and get rid of anything that isn't part or should not be part of the act. Keep the same character and style of comedy all the way through. You need the audience to get used to your style of making them laugh.

Don't stop practicing. The more you train, the more you get better with your routine. Practicing is the only way you're going to get your stand-up act the way it needs to be. Go to various locations and watch how the crowd welcomes you.

Every performance should be videotaped. Take a look at them soon after and just listen if you see any kind of defects that may be taken off for future stand-up acts. Don't be somebody that you are not. Your acts must be original and natural. Don't force yourself to create changes that could disappoint your audience.

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